Some social media narratives assert that more and more women are looking for “lazy girls' jobs.” It is a derogatory label to belittle an otherwise healthy choice: young women professionals looking for better work-life balance. A heavy emphasis on work and career can lead to self-negligence, loneliness, burnout, health issues, and strained relationships. But, don’t assume achieving work-life balance is or ensures self-care, which requires taking an active role in ensuring one's own well-being.

To the extent that there is a trend toward the coveted (but largely elusive) work-life balance, it also means more job-seekers competing for jobs that offer the best of professional and personal lives. In addition to increasing competition, job-hopping has its own risks, such as last-to-come/first-to-go in layoffs, perception of unreliability, shallow work experiences, weak professional relationships, etc.

So, should you continue slogging at your current job? Absolutely not! A few steps in the right direction can help you ace managing work and personal lives.

What Is Work-Life Balance?

The basic definition of work-life balance is “the amount of time you spend doing your job versus the amount of time that you spend at home – home time is, for example, time spent with friends, family, and pursuing your personal interests (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d.).”

The COVID-19 contributed to 'work-life balance' becoming a more appreciated concept. While we all knew that a heavy emphasis on work and career often begets undesirable personal consequences, the lockdowns gave us the time and the opportunity to experience a more balanced work and life. It gave us a chance to see a better blending of our professional and personal spheres—two adversarial aspects of our modern lives that compete for our time. Some of us realized that we don’t even know how to spend so much time at home or with each other.

Why Does Work-Life Balance Matter for Women?

Work-life balance for women is particularly important because of the unique challenges and expectations they often face. Many women are still pressured by social expectations related to traditional gender roles, wherein they are expected to take on the majority of domestic responsibilities. Achieving work-life balance challenges these expectations; it requires a more equitable distribution of responsibilities between men and women. However, this balance is a cornerstone for promoting women’s health. It mitigates the negative impacts of overworking and promotes well-being.

Beyond health, achieving this balance is integral to women's career advancement as it helps optimize professional and personal commitments. Women who effectively balance responsibilities often find increased focus, energy, and opportunities for career growth. Additionally, women's health and family care responsibilities demand that we have healthy connections with partners, children, and family members, which is only possible with work-life balance.

Moreover, this balance is pivotal in reducing work-related stress and helping women effectively manage the complex interplay of professional and personal pressures, ultimately promoting healthier, happier professional and personal lives. Let’s not forget; we all like to be around healthy and happy people!

Women And Work-Life Balance: Tips You Must Know

  • Crack the Time Management Code: Improve your time management skills to maximize productivity. Identify your most productive hours and plan your tasks accordingly. Besides, identify the causes of time leaks and eliminate them. For example, your social media habits, email notifications, or even multitasking could be leading to unnoticed and unintended time wastage.

  • Embrace the Power of “No'”: Recognize the strength in saying 'no' when needed. It's crucial to setting boundaries and safeguarding your time and energy.

  • Find Your Equilibrium: Strike a balance between your professional and personal life. Allocate time for work, hobbies, and self-care to maintain a holistic lifestyle.

  • Practice Tech Hygiene: Establish healthy tech habits. Designate screen-free time to unplug, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.

  • Invest in Your Well-being: A balanced diet, exercising daily, and adequate sleep are investments that pay dividends in both your career and personal life.

  • Go For The Unknown: Be open to non-linear career paths. Embrace growth opportunities, even if they don't follow a traditional trajectory.

  • Prioritize Mindfulness: Challenge the myth of multitasking. Focus on one task at a time to enhance efficiency and reduce stress.

  • Find Your Support Squad: Surround yourself with a supportive network. Building a strong support system, whether mentors, friends, or family, is invaluable.

  • Flexibility Counts: Embrace flexibility in your career. Seek employers who support work-life balance and consider flexible work arrangements to accommodate your evolving needs.

  • Get Health Apps: Leverage women's health apps to track and manage your well-being. These apps can assist with fitness routines, menstrual cycle monitoring, and overall health management, providing personalized insights for a healthier lifestyle.

  • Seek Advice When Needed: Consider the guidance of a health coach to navigate career decisions. A coach can provide personalized strategies, help set goals, and offer support in aligning your career with your passions and values.


Being a ninja at work while managing your personal life and caring for your loved ones and yourself is no mean task for many working women. However, a slow-and-steady approach and staying flexible can help you navigate your careers and personal lives with greater ease, purpose, and fulfilment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is Work-Life Balance and Why Is It Important for Professional Women?
    Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal life. It's especially crucial for professional women due to unique challenges they face, like balancing career growth with personal well-being and societal expectations. Achieving this balance can lead to improved mental health, job satisfaction, and overall life quality.

  • How Can Women Achieve Better Work-Life Balance?
    Women can achieve better work-life balance by practicing effective time management, setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, embracing flexibility in their careers, and seeking supportive networks. Tools like health apps and advice from life coaches can also be instrumental in managing both career and personal life effectively.

  • What Are Some Common Challenges Women Face in Balancing Career and Health?
    Common challenges include managing societal expectations, dealing with workplace stress, finding time for self-care, maintaining physical and mental health, and navigating career growth while managing family responsibilities. Addressing these challenges often requires strategic planning and support from both personal and professional networks.

  • Why Is Stress Management Important for Women in the Workplace?
    Effective stress management is crucial for women in the workplace to prevent burnout, maintain mental and physical health, and enhance productivity. It's essential for sustaining long-term career success and personal well-being, especially in demanding professional environments.

  • Can Embracing Flexibility in Career Paths Benefit Women's Health?
    Yes, embracing flexibility in career paths can greatly benefit women's health. It allows for a more adaptable approach to work, accommodating personal and family needs, and reducing stress. Flexible career paths can lead to more fulfilling work experiences and a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

  • How Can Women Use Technology to Support Their Work-Life Balance?
    Women can use technology, such as health and wellness apps, to monitor and manage their well-being, set reminders for self-care activities, and streamline work tasks for better time management. Technology can be a powerful tool in achieving a more balanced and organized lifestyle.

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