
Understanding Fertility in Your 30s: Myths and Facts

Women's biological clocks ticking their way to an advanced age is often seen as a time bomb just about to explode and ready to reduce a woman's fertility into smithereens. Despite all the societal pressure and potential health risks, more women are choosing to prioritize their careers and gaining a foothold professionally and financially before starting a family. ...

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Birth Control and Hormonal Health: What Every Woman Should Know

Birth control, often referred to as contraception, has been a revolutionary tool in women's reproductive health. While its primary function is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, the influence of birth control on hormonal health is a topic of significant interest and importance. ...

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10 Tips for Managing Your First Period: A Detailed Guide for Teens

Navigating the onset of menstruation can be a perplexing time for many teens. Your first period marks a significant milestone in your journey to womanhood, and it's accompanied by a myriad of changes, both physical and emotional. ...

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7 Holistic Approaches to Easing PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects numerous women worldwide, manifesting as a combination of emotional and physical symptoms that occur before menstruation. While the exact cause of PMS remains elusive, there are ...

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3 Major Hormonal Shifts Women Experience and How to Manage Them

Hormones are the silent orchestrators of many of our body's processes, especially in women. Throughout their lives, women undergo several significant hormonal shifts that can influence everything from mood to physical health. Understanding ...

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Planning for a Family: 7 Things Every Parent Should Know

Embarking on the journey of family planning is both exciting and momentous. It's a path filled with anticipation but also accompanied by significant responsibilities and decisions. ...

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Period Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction for Young Women

Throughout history, menstruation has been surrounded by myths and misconceptions. These myths have often led to fear, anxiety, and even shame among young women. In this article, we aim to debunk some of the most common and absurd myths related to periods, providing evidence-based information ...

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Discover the Power of Maca in Women's Health

The CDC estimates that 19% (about 1 in 5) women in America suffer from fertility-related issues and 26% among these women have impaired fecundity. Medicines, surgical procedures, and assisted conception methods are the standard treatments ...

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Top 6 Causes Of Irregular Periods & What To Do About It

Menstruation is a natural and vital part of a woman's life. Yet, many women experience irregular periods at some point, causing confusion, anxiety, and discomfort. Irregular periods can manifest in various ways, from missed or delayed cycles to unusually heavy or light bleeding....

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Ovulation Prediction as Birth Control: Exploring a Natural Approach to Family Planning

When it comes to birth control, individuals have an array of options available to them, ranging from hormonal contraceptives to barrier methods. However, for those seeking a more natural approach, ovulation prediction can serve as a valuable tool. By understanding ....

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The Natural Path to Contraception: Embracing Ovulation Tracking

In the world of contraception, there are numerous options available, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. However, one method has gained significant attention and popularity in recent years—ovulation tracking. This natural, hormone-free approach to birth ....

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Importance of Period Tracking for Teens: Exploring the Benefits and Empowering Young Girls

As young girls transition into adolescence, their bodies undergo numerous changes, one of which is the onset of menstruation, commonly known as a period. Menstruation is a natural biological process that symbolizes a girl's ....

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The Importance of Cycle Tracking in Birth Control and How to Do It

Taking care of our bodies is crucial, especially when it comes to making decisions about preventing pregnancy. One method that can help us understand our bodies better and make informed choices ....

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Irregular Periods – What They Mean & How To Deal With Them

Menstruation is a natural and essential part of a woman's reproductive health. However, many women experience irregular periods at some point in their lives. Irregular periods ....

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Missed Period - What Does it Mean?

Periods bring discomfort and pain; but delay or absence of periods causes greater agony. Women across the world live through this paradox during their reproductive years, especially when they are sexually ....

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Why Should Women Try Ginger-U 'S Dietary Supplements?

Supplements, as the word suggests, are meant to supplement or enhance the intake of nutrients that may be lacking in an individual's diet. These are available as pills, capsules, powders, liquids, and bars and may contain vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, amino acids, ...

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Does Being Sexually Active Affect Your Period?

Several factors, such as hormonal changes, diet and nutrition, sleep cycle, stress levels, and various health conditions may affect your period. But there’s a lesser known aspect that can influence your ...

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Miscarriage Or A Heavy Period - How To Tell The Difference?

Vaginal bleeding indicates changes in a woman’s body. From menarche to menstruation and implantation bleeding to a miscarriage, there could be several causes of vaginal bleeding. During the early days of pregnancy, when you might ...

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How To Know If You Are Ovulating With PCOS?

One in ten women in the US suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It means they suffer from occasional ...

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What is Ovulation Pain, and Why Does It Occur?

Ovulation pain is less understood compared to menstrual pain. However, it affects many women, at least once ...

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Why Is Cervical Mucus Production Important for Women?

Cervical mucus is one of the key indicators of women's reproductive health. However, its role and importance haven't been highlighted enough. Here's what you should know about cervical mucus. […]

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What Should You Eat During Your Period?

Period memes and ads often show menstruating women gorging on junk food. So, is there really a connection between food and periods? Well! Yes, hormonal changes affect neurotransmitters, usually during ovulation and after. Consequently, your body hankers after sweets, carbs, and fat, making you choose high-calorie treats. […]

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Ten Foods to Increase Fertility in Women

Infertility affects many women globally. Its common causes include impaired ovarian function, damage ...

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Women measuring hip

How Can Your Weight Affect Your Fertility?

Research shows that being underweight, overweight, and obese adversely affects women’s quality of life. It affects nearly every body system, including reproductive health. For example, women may experience hormonal imbalance, difficulty conceiving, health problems during the gestation period and while giving birth.  […]

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Girl Sleeping

Top 4 Myths You Should Know About PMS

For many women, the pre-menstrual syndrome is akin to living the experiences described in Dolly Parton's song PMS Blues. On top of it, several myths have contributed to this monthly misery. Read this blog to dispel those long-held PMS myths and manage your monthly cycles with the spirit of Lana Del Ray’s This Is What Makes Us Girls.  […]

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Stomach Pain

Polycystic Ovarian Disease: Symptoms And Causes

Women of reproductive age experience hormonal fluctuations at different life stages. While some hormonal changes are normal and inevitable, others may lead to various metabolic and endocrine disorders. Polycystic Ovarian Disease is one such disorder that affects the ovaries. Ovaries are a pair of reproductive glands that produce eggs and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. […]

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Female Hygiene Products

Tampons, Menstrual Cups, Or Organic Napkins: Which Is Better?

When menstruating, one needs to use something to soak up the period blood. There are a variety of ...

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Healthy Food

Premenstrual Syndrome: Home Remedies For Natural Relief

Premenstrual Syndrome (or PMS) is a common female health problem. Because half of her life …

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Fresh Lemon

5 Most Effective Ways To Boost Fertility

Cheers! You’ve decided to go in the family way. However, conception differs for each woman. It is difficult to predict  […]

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